Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do Not Blog While Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies

I am on vacation this week, and I am making chocolate chip cookies AND guacamole. They are intended to be separate dishes, for those of you who are not culinarily inclined.

The thing with both chocolate chip cookies and guacamole, in my experience, is that they're both disappearing foods. That's why I make them only when The Spouse is not home. I've already taken care of at least two cookies and a few forks of guacamole on my own (under the guise of 'taste-testing' to make sure the food is acceptable), and I am hoping that we will be able to bring to the people we are visiting tonight before they are consumed.

My penchant for multi-tasking has gotten me into trouble this evening, however. The guacamole was fine; I managed to make it, and chill it, and not spill it or damage it because the process of peeling, chopping, and slicing limits one's ability to multitask skillfully. Most of the cookies came out just fine; right shape, right color, right smell. However, for the first time in history, I managed to burn TWO SHEETS of chocolate chip cookies!

Why? Because I was trying to think of a good way to start my new blog, and lost track of what I was doing. Now I've burned cookies, and as a result, I have a blog post.

I guess everything has its purpose. Even burned cookies.

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